It all starts with getting uncomfortable, yes, that’s right, UNCOMFORTABLE!
Well actually, it’s about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.
We spend most of our lives seeking comfort. In fact, you probably started your business with a view to building yourself and your family a comfortable life. The problem with this is, nobody ever grew from within their comfort zone.
Successful people, are always pushing their own boundaries, they are comfortable taking risks that for the rest of the world looking on, consider to be crazy.
You know, its OK to fail sometimes. By taking risks, doing things differently and not getting the desired results, we learn, and when we learn, we grow.
One of my favourite acronyms is fail:
F.A.I.L. = First Attempt In Learning
So how do you get comfortable with being uncomfortable?
You just need to challenge yourself. Not to the point that you set yourself up to fail, but start by doing something that you’ve never done before. For the majority of people that read this, I would bet good money that the thought of recording video content for their business marketing efforts would make their palms a touch sweaty. In fact, 12 months before writing this, I would have run a mile from a camera, but, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone regularly (2 or 3 times a week) for about 8 months and guess what, I now record videos with relative ease and confidence.
Every time you take a step outside your comfort zone, you grow. The more frequently you step outside it, the faster you grow.
The faster you grow, the bigger your comfort zone becomes.
But where do you start?
Start by setting yourself a goal, pick one thing that you really want to achieve or change.
Once you get clear on your goal, there will be an obvious path you need to take to achieve it.
Break the path down into small chunks and get to work with getting uncomfortable. If you do it consistently, you’ll be amazed at just how quickly something that scares you today, will start to feel natural and comfortable.
The key, is to just get started.
The longer you spend procrastinating over it, the harder it is to push past your barriers.
So what are you going to do this week that will help you grow?
If you'd like some help figuring out your path and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, give me a shout!