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Learn To Appreciate the Little Things

Adam Fox • Aug 09, 2021

So, this weekend my eldest daughter turned 5! 🎂 🤦‍♂️

This meant I got to spend Friday contorting my body into all manner of shapes to try and cram myself into rollercoasters and other rides designed for small children. 🎢 🎠

We ended the weekend with a game of Crazy Golf, which she won with the highest score and Daddy lost with the lowest number of shots….. apparently, a hole in one isn’t a good thing in crazy golf…. 🏌️‍♀️

As we walked around the shopping centre 2 things happened that put the biggest smile on her face of the whole weekend! 😁

1) A group of what I presume to be retired buskers going by the name of the Silver Surfers sang her Happy Birthday and. 🎸 🎹 🥁 🎤

2) A complete stranger ran up to my daughter and handed her a £5 note. 💷

We finished off with a meal out, Chinese, her cuisine of choice. And not long after we had been shown to our table, her teacher walked in with a group of friends for a goodbye meal before she heads off to teach in Dubai later this week. 🥡 🥢

After all of the careful planning my wife and I put into the weekend (when I say my wife and I, I actually mean my wife!) the 3 completely unplanned and simple events of yesterday proved to turn a good birthday into THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!! 🥳 🎊🎉

A stark reminder that it’s the little things in life that give us the most joy, if we would just take the time to appreciate and enjoy them as much as a 5-year-old does! 👧🏽 👏🏽

Have a fantastic week and I hope it is full of lots of little joyful moments for you! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

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