Your Questions Answered

There are a few...

The only people in this world who wouldn’t benefit from coaching in some shape or form are: 

‘The know it all’s’.

‘The uncoachables’

‘The fixed mindset brigade’

The people who fall into this category don’t accept that in order to achieve different results, they need to do things differently. Therefore, no amount of time spent with a coach, is going to convince them that there is a different way, a better way. 

People with this mindset, think they are just unlucky, that the whole world is against them and that the successful business owners out there, just got a lucky break. 

In this world, you make your own luck. 

Lucky people work harder than the rest of the world to ensure they are ‘lucky’. They work hard, doing the right things. Thinking outside the box.

They work hard with their coach, and in some cases, their coaches, to ensure they create as much luck for themselves as they can. 

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Is there anyone who wouldn’t benefit from business coaching?

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