Your Questions Answered

This very much depends on the type of business coach you are looking to take on.

A specialist in one area such as marketing or HR will focus entirely on this area of your business so the programme will be pretty rigid, and you can only expect to see improvements in this one area of your business.

Working with an all-round business coach, whilst should still be structured and will follow some sort of framework, will be a more flexible experience, where at the beginning of the coaching you will work on your goals and your vision for the business.

Once you have established your goals, your coach will work with you to identify the ‘Gap’ between where you are now, and where you want to be. 

This will then form the roadmap to growing your business. 

As with following any roadmap, you can expect to come across blockages and need to make some u turns or follow some diversions. 

The diversions could be as simple as dropping one area of focus to react to another area where an issue has arisen out of the blue, before returning to where you left off. 

For example, you successfully work on your marketing so much so, that you have more work than you can deliver…… Quick jump into HR or Team mode to solve the service delivery challenge, and then return to working on your marketing. 

Ultimately though, follow the map and you’ll arrive at your destination. 

Depending on the size of your ‘gap’ it could take several years to navigate successfully to your destination, but you are far more likely to arrive with the help of your coach, than if you try and go it alone. 

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